Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Photo a Day May ;; Weeks One and Two

Last week I didn't have the time to post my photos for the first week of the May Photo a Day challenge because I was spending the week with my precious friend Ruthanne. But you're in for a treat because now you get two weeks worth of photos! Great, right?
Day Two ;; Skyline
In love with Yosemite.

Day Three ;; Something You Wore Today
Dance shoes and skirt.

Day Four ;; Fun!

Day Five ;; Bird
Gives me the giggles.

Day Six ;; You

Day Seven ; Someone That Inspires You
My precious parents. <3

Day Eight ;; A Smell You Adore

Day Nine ;; Something You Do Everyday
Use these.

Day Ten ;; A Favorite Word
"I love you. Most ardently."

Day Eleven ;; Kitchen
My favorite corner.

Day Twelve ;; Something That Makes You Happy
My precious nephew, Parker.

Day Thirteen ;; Mom
Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!

Day Fourteen ;; Grass

Day Fifteen ;; Love
"For God so loved that world that He sent His one and only son so that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life." ~John 3:16

Day Sixteen ;; What You're Reading
A Letter of Mary



Unknown said...

Props to you for being so on top of May photo a day! That is awesome ! That baby is just too cute !!

Rebekah said...

Thank you so much! It hasn't been easy to say the least, but it's been fun. Isn't he?! Thank you. I love him very much.

jessica said...

awww, your parents are so adorable! I always love seeing bloggers show family love :) And, isn't Yosemite the best! Seriously, it has to be one of the most spectacular little gems on this Earth!

Happy Thursday!


Rebekah said...

Thank you! I'm blessed that I'm really close to them! I love Yosemite. I've only been once, but I'm in love and can't wait to go back! God did a good job. :)

bridget anne said...

i love this! it's definitely something i need to do. that first photograph is breathtaking too! now following along to see more of your adventures! xo.

Abbiee said...

I love all these, Beka! Especially the "moist owl" and "Love". :D
I cannot believe I didn't know this blog existed until today! O_O following...

Rebekah said...

I highly recommend it! It's an absolute blast :) Thanks for reading! <3

Rebekah said...

Hey, Sweetie! Ah, the moist owl gives me an extreme case of the giggles. :) I love you and thanks for reading!

Unknown said...

Cute nails! Vanilla lace is my favorite and I am in love with my new kindle fire :)

xo Shane

Rebekah said...

Thank you! Ah, my mom had the Vanilla Lace lotion and I was always stealing it from her, so she finally gave me the spray for Christmas! I. Love. My. Kindle. So. Much.