Thursday, June 10, 2010

Am I a "Southern" Belle?

Okay. That title might be misleading. I really don't mean a southern belle, but a southern Belle as in the Beauty and the Beast Belle. I mean, think about it.

I'm always the outcast. I'm stuck in a tiny country town. Every day is the exact same. I prefer to hang with my parents instead of other people. Okay, I've never had a flock of guys drooling over me, or a jerk determined to marry me, but still. I'm independent (as a girl my age can). I want adventure and true love.

But here's the kicker; I don't know if I'm going to ever going to get out of here. I want to travel, I want to experience new things. I don't want monotony, I want spontaneity. Maybe that's why I write. To escape from everything here. Okay, maybe I'm being extreme. It's honestly not that bad. I know I'm extremely blessed with my life and the people in it, but I just want . . .


Maybe that's it. I don't know.

I just noticed the similiarities and got to thinking. I've been doing that a lot lately. Wondering into deep and off-topic thought. Thought I would share this one. Ha. Like you guys even care ;)


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