Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The End, Yet Just the Beginning

It's the end of the year. And it feels really odd. Doing nothing but preparing for finals for the last week, and watching movies, which most I've slept through. Seeing the teachers taking down everything in their rooms makes me feel a bit forlorn. And knowing that almost all the teachers are leaving is kind of scary and sad, even though it won't effect me, going on to high school. I'll miss being the "big dogs" on campus, the comraderie with 7th and 6th grades, and the secure feeling that no one is judging me. But hey, God made me for me, so there isn't anything to be ashamed or insecure about. I think.

But, on to brighter subjects. I've been working on my novel a little bit. I need to get my character profiles down, but I've already been sketching my skelatal plot line, which is good! My summer is going to be full of writing.

Sorry for my rambling! But hey, that's what a blog is for, right?

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