Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year, a New Dawn

Well, my very lovely friend Ruthanne inspired me to write out my own set of goals for 2012. While you're at it, check out her blog -- she is a lover of all things vintage, takes beautiful pictures, always write thought-provoking words and is one of my best friends!

Now, onto my goals {in no specific order}. . .

1. To finally lose the rest of the weight I gained during my depression and stay healthy -- about 25 pounds to go!
2. Finish writing my novel -- shouldn't be too hard, seeing as it's something I really love.
3. Become more involved in my church -- could be a bit tricky. I live about and hour away from my church, but hopefully we'll be moving soon!
4. Keep my room clean -- ALL the time!
5. Learn how to sew -- something I've always wanted to do! My mom made a lot of her own clothes when she was my age, and I think it's something every woman should know how to do!
6. Save up enough money to buy a car -- preferably a VW Beatle :)
7. Obtain a job over the summer -- we'd have to move first, or I could find a job in my town for the summer.
8. Periodically write posts! I'm so sorry that I all but abandoned my poor blog -- until now, that is.

Eight seems like a good number for now! I have never realized how incredibly blessed I am. I look back at this time last year, and I realize I have come so far from where I was. Thank you, Lord for your greatness!

I wish you a Happy and Blessed New Year!


1 comment:

Katie said...

Rebekah, thanks for following my blog! Good luck with all of your goals. I hope to learn to sew this year too. Maybe I'll get to use one of my vintage sewing patterns :)